Location: PA, United States

Making sure my puppy eats safely

I have tried to find ways that I can ensure that my puppy eats safely.

One way is to feed him what we eat. Yes, I know that we should not give him chocolate and some other things and we do check with the vet about the snacks that we let him have. This puppy has an amazingly varied taste preference. In fact we have only found a few things that he would not eat. It has been months since any of us were able to eat a whole banana. We have watched him linger over carrots and even a potato. He especially loves crabgrass and digs it up himself to eat it. But those are just treats -- even the crabgrass.

I grew up in the rural south. All my relatives with hunting dogs fed those dogs table scraps and occasionally dry or wet dog food if there was something the dog was being treated for. I don't know if I want to do that either. One big reason is that our eating habits are quite different than the eating habits of my relatives 40 and 50 years ago. I do not want to feed my dog pizza even if I really do like it.

The best thing seems to be to study that list from the FDA and make sure that you are picking only the NON-listed foods.


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